Sunday 2 November 2014

Chasing Dream

   Dream: What is dream? Buying a big ol’ house, having luxurious cars in your garage, holidaying to some far off location, or becoming a business tycoon or learning how to ride a bicycle (ohh!!!the smile on your face when you ride without falling! ), or riding in elevator to conquer your fear, watching your baby take their first steps  and the list will go on and on. Dream is anything and everything that a person wants, desires from his heart, more importantly it's doing anything that gives happiness,pleasure.

Dream is reaching your destiny against all odds of fear and doubts.

   Yes, fear and doubt are the two things that stand in way towards fulfilling any dream. Fear of not being able to succeed, fear in the name itself increases fear.

    No dream is big or small. Dream is a dream. It’s the effort, hard work, perseverance that makes any dream big or small. The passion to succeed, desire of wanting it more than anything else matters.

   Having faith in yourself, believing yourself when all the odds in the world are against you, makes you a true warrior. A warrior is the one, who bared all the pain, who fought fear, kept all the patience even when he/she’s on the verge of losing it and had endless desire to reach towards the goal. The ultimate and inexplicable pleasure of the fact that you’ve finally turned your dream into reality is priceless, the happiness, the joy of it is endless.  Nothing else and nobody else matters, once you know what your destiny is.

   It never was, never is and never will be easy. And, that’s what makes it worth it. Nobody cares if things are easily given to them, and when it seems far away, it makes it worth achieving.  Usually when something is given, people tend to take it for granted, nobody knows its value. And, dreams are just like that, nothing is given to you. You have to work hard for getting it. As John Green says,

“The world is not a wish granting factory.”

   The world isn't a wish granting factory, but, it is the factory, nest in which you weave your dreams into, no matter how complex the woven nest may seem, it lies upon you to make it come true.


     Roger Federer (My favourite athlete! Ofcourse!), winner of 17 Grand Slam title, holding 302 weeks overall and 237 consecutive weeks at no. 1 position is something that every tennis player dreams of, what in the world would they not give to enjoy the sheer pleasure of success like Roger Frederer. But, he had the desire, the passion to come up in the profession that he loves. And, the journey to success is never an easy one. 

   It's just an illustration of a successful athlete, there are innumerate stories that you would find in your day to day life, not necessary being a famous one. No man is born with success ahead in front of them, but, it’s you who have to find your path towards your dream.

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
Eleanor Roosevelt

Monday 13 October 2014

Cleaning Drive

    Cleaning campaign, making our country clean, but, is it really taking place?I mean is the prospect really into action? Nah, I don't think so, ... You only talk about cleanliness, not about putting it into action. How many among you treat public places, roads or any place that's not your home as home? Very few of you. That is absolutely correct.

   You all talk about about the cleanliness and maintenance, that is there in all the western countries, and everyone praises it. But, how many people have put it into action? To make our country a better place to live in? Roads serve as a dustbin, throw anything and everything, whatever you get in your hand, throw it on road, not finding a public toilet? what's the road for? Got leftover food from last night? No worries, throw it on the road and sometimes on the people passing by. Wanna spit? Spit anywhere, walls, doors, or anywhere, just make yourself comfortable! As long as it's not your home that you live in.

   Oh yes! This is definitely us! Does that above lines sound absurd, gross, disgusting, like you wanna say ewww...!!!!! But, Amigos it's true! Let's face it! If you want the change, then be the change, set example! And, I'm not talking about posting or updating a status or re-tweeting about it or liking or sharing it, but in real life show it, that you can bring the change. 

   Talking the talk is not gonna do anything, it's never happened and it won't ever happen. Everyone knows the aftermath of not keeping places clean, and many of you have faced it's consequences. And, yet, still don't have any problem towards it.

   It seems like, finally people are starting to realize the fact that " Cleanliness is next to godliness." And, lets see for how long people are awake before falling to sleep again and I hope them to stay awake.

Sunday 12 October 2014

Gus and Grace

                                                     "But no one else heard,
                                                      the way of your words, 
                                                      or felt the affect that they, 
                                                      had on my mind..."

   Such a beautiful and melodious song written and sung by this English singer and song writer Birdy. It's my favorite track from all of the tracks from "The Fault in Our Stars." It's my first post, So I thought why not write about something that's close to me? And, these days it's my obsession, actually it's more than just an obsession, it's my affection towards very well written novel. 

   I can praise John Green all day, and still there won't be enough words to appreciate how beautifully he has written TFIOS ( The Fault inn Our Stars), and how perfectly he portrayed Hazel Grace Lancaster and Augustus Waters. Or should I say Gus and Hazel. I'm completely in awe of Gus, which girl wouldn't be! You always wish guy like Augustus to exist in real life, but they don't. They only exist in between the pages of these books. Whether it'd be Noah Calhoun of The Notebook or The Gallagher's brothers Shawn and Aidan from 'The Irish Trilogy',  the list would go on and on and would still be unfinished.

   "My thoughts are stars, I can't fathom them into constellations", " I'm on a roller coaster ride that only goes up." Dear, John Green, hats-off to you! These are just few lines from the book, but every page of book is filled with amazing thoughts that only Mr.Green did fathom into constellation!

   Who is Gus? Obviously he's not just the boy with crooked smile, unlit cigarette, or the boy who has osteosarcoma. He's so much more than this. He is the guy who gave his wish to Hazel so that she could meet her favorite writer Peter Van Houten. And, is such a good friend to Isaac that he don't want to see the world that don't have Augustus Waters in it.

     I would never get tired of talking about Gus. No, I just don't. He's the one who gave Hazel forever within number of days. They together , Hazel and Gus gave depth to such a simple word "okay", who would have thought that okay can be your always? I sure didn't.

      How can I forget Hazel? Hazel Grace Lancaster,the girl who's suffering from  Thyroid cancer and is spreading in her lungs and is carrying oxygen cylinder and tubes in her nose that keeps her alive. Who would call themselves "Grenade", ummm...Hazel would, and she's not afraid about blowing up like a grenade, but is afraid to hurt Gus, when she does, 'cause she loves him. 

   And, in the end it's not Hazel who becomes the grenade and blows up, it's Augustus. Yes, you did not, ever expected that. Guess, it's true when they say that writes are having tea with Satan, when they are killing our favorite characters. You never even think that it would be Augustus, but, it is. And it's the saddest part of it. "The only person I wanted to talk about Augustus Water's death, was Augustus Waters...." Hazel. Yes, you do. Hazel liked her choices, like Augustus liked his. 

"What else, she's so beautiful. You don't get tired of looking at her. You never worry if she is smarter than you: you know she is. She is funny without ever being mean. I love her. I'm so lucky to love her, Van Houten. You don't get to chose if you get hurt in this world, old man, but you do have some say in who hurts you. I like my choices. I hope she likes her."

I do, Augustus.
I do.

   It's one of the most beautiful lines I ever read. Some lines like this comes from your heart, not your brain, it's your heart that speaks for you and when it speaks it shows you the light, it's always leading you in the true direction, like when Augustus decided to enjoy and not deny simple pleasures of life.